Many historical event shape and change the course of human history. This year represent this massive change to our lives with sudden wave of anxiety, nervous, and uncertain in unstable world. The global pandemic of COVID-19 change many things in my life and the outlook of the rest of year. Around this time, I realized it is a perfect time to reflect and reconsider many things in my life since everything around me are in a momentary on hold to prevent the spread of virus. I try to be productive with making designs, organizing, and making plans of how thing should go during this period of time. One of those opportunities came up when I was posting in Instagram where one of my graphic design professor who taught in my school reach out for a small project that he made in Instagram called Quarantine Zine. ​​​​​​​
This project was all about our collective experience during the global pandemic. Most importantly, our own experiences during this time. I think this project presented itself as a reflection point in our lives that has been suddenly change and difficult to grasp since I recently graduate in University. The project's creative brief is creating a composition that represents my own experience during the pandemic and it needs to be black and white or greyscale. This open ended project made me reflect and consider how to approach this project. I started my process by thinking about my experience and expressing through a graphic series. I eventually use words and phrases that capture my experience, common signage that is used during this pandemic and phases that is associated as well. This works are also posted in Instagram under the account and here are the works that I made for this account. (The link would be at the bottom of the page)  
This next series of posters was submitted to the Stay Sane Stay Safe web project created in the Netherlands to help uplifted the lifesaver in hospitals around the country and also around the world. My approached to this project was to help people to practice proper preventative measure against the virus. These posters were also used in the Instagram account as a "Artist in Residence" Series. These posters were posted in a span of a week as a featured work in Instagram account.  
My work was posted in this account:
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