Initial Ideas/Sketches
This project was very simple goal in mine and restrictions as well. Using, the essential typographic function and showing the what the event is all about. The main idea about this poster was showing typography with the movement of the dancer and the aesthetic style of the stage design. I wanted to reflect the theme and to show the event in an abstract and yet representative way. The process work evolve around playing around with different sets of letters in different combinations and thinking about composition of the posters along the way. Considering details such as the design of the stage was implemented during this stage.     
Digital Explorations
During this stage, many ideas came into mind. Some ideas came from the process work and explored further in this stage. This resulted many possible poster I could have made and many paths to choose from a wide variety of posters. But, all the poster still connect to the main of the whole project. 
Final Design
The end result of this project was interesting. During the digital process work, there are many possible poster that I could improve on and further refined. This remained to the three poster and I eventually narrow down based on the ideas from the beginning of the project. But I felt that this poster demonstrated the theme of the show better and clear message as well. Details like the use a border creates a connection with the show and interest about the subject matter. Plus, the clean aesthetics of the stage design reflects the theme. This project overall was a great exploration of typography and further expanding what is possible.    
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